Any logo, word mark, nickname, series of letters, or acronyms associated with a University of Texas System institution that are distinguishable from those of other universities, teams, mascots, or organizations are protected under UT System's licensing program. Therefore…
Any person, business or organization desiring to reproduce the trademarks of UT System for products/merchandise must be licensed and/or receive written approval from the Office of Brand, Trademarks and Licensing.
CLC offers two types of agreements:
- Retail License: Companies that desire to produce licensed products for resale to the general public should apply for a retail license.
- Internal Campus Supplier License: Companies that desire to produce licensed products only for internal use should apply for an internal license. No products produced under this license agreement may be sold to the general public.
Click here for a quick reference guide.
To learn more about the application process, licensing considerations, corporate responsibility and insurance requirements, click here.
Start application process here.
If you are an artisan crafter that makes hand goods and is interested in applying for a UT Austin Crafter's License, see Crafter's Program .