UT Sponsored Student Organizations
Student organizations that are sponsored through Dean of Students process and approval by an academic or administrative unit on campus are considered an official extension of the university and may use protected university logos and marks in accordance with the guidelines for each mark. Sponsored student organizations should coordinate with the sponsoring administrative or academic unit through the Internal Request Portal to receive approval from the Office of Brand, Trademarks and Licensing.
UT Registered Student Organizations
Student organizations that are registered with the Office of the Dean of Students (but not sponsored by an academic or administrative unit) may be permitted special use of university marks on products/merchandise or materials for specific events such as national or college-to-college competitions or when students are acting as official university representatives at university events. Registered student organizations must work with the Office of the Dean of Students through the Internal Request Portal to receive approval from the Office of Brand, Trademarks and Licensing to use the protected university logos and marks. Be sure to choose the DOS/Student Activities name on the profile page and the drop down option on the request form to ensure proper routing. Add the official Group/Organization name in the “organization/club” field on the request page.
**If you are interested in starting a new UT student organization in order to use approved university marks, click here to start the application process.
Other UT System Institution Student Organizations
**ALL artwork review generally takes three to five business days. Please plan ahead for any unexpected delays/edits.