Company Update
Learfield Licensing Partners and IMG College completed their merger into one company in 2018, and recently announced the return of the iconic CLC brand name. The CLC name is a nod to the business that founded the collegiate licensing industry and the rich heritage of the combined companies building college brands and experiences for collegiate institutions across America. Read more here.
In Fall 2019, CLC launched a newly branded website: www.clc.com
Protect, Promote, Profit
CLC and The University of Texas Office of Brand, Trademarks and Licensing aim to positively promote each UT System institution’s image, protect its trademark rights and generate royalty revenue. Creating and maintaining positive relationships with manufacturers and retailers is an integral part of each program’s overall success. This relationship helps to ensure that products bearing the marks of the university are of the highest quality and satisfy the consumer demand.
CLC Core Services
- Licensee management
- Retail development & marketing
- Audit & legal support
- Data collection & analysis
- Corporate responsibilty commitment
Brand Manager 360
Once a license has been acquired, CLC will supply the licensee with a username and password to access the Brand Manager 360 platform. Licensees are required to submit all designs bearing university trademarks for review and approval prior to production, as well as report monthly sales and royalties.
Look for the (NEW) Label
CLC recently launched a new "Officially Licensed Collegiate Product" hologram label (shown below) with enhanced security features. The new CLC-branded label will replace the separate IMGCL and LLP Collegiate Licensed Products Label currently being used by our licensees. The presence of a hologram sticker is the customer's assurance that their souvenir was produced by a licensed vendor and a portion of the sales directly support their favorite school or team.

General Inquires: licensing@clc.com
Applications: applications@clc.com ; https://apply.clc.com/
Insurance: insurance@clc.com
Royalty reporting: royalties@clc.com
Renewals: renewals@clc.com
Hologram stickers and logo access: support@jpattonondemand.com ; https://login.jpattonondemand.com/